Ways to pay off your mortgage early

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Accelerate Your Journey to Homeownership: Ways to Pay Off Your Mortgage Early in the UK

Paying off your mortgage early can save you a significant amount of money in interest and free up your finances for other goals. While it requires discipline and strategic planning, the benefits of becoming mortgage-free sooner are well worth the effort. Here are effective strategies to help you pay off your mortgage early in the UK.

1. Make Overpayments

One of the most straightforward ways to pay off your mortgage early is by making overpayments. This involves paying more than your required monthly payment, directly reducing your outstanding balance. Many UK mortgage lenders allow overpayments up to a certain limit without penalty—often up to 10% of the mortgage balance per year. Check with your lender to understand their specific terms and conditions.

2. Switch to a Bi-Weekly Payment Schedule

Switching from monthly to bi-weekly payments can effectively reduce the term of your mortgage. By making a payment every two weeks, you end up making 26 half-payments, equivalent to 13 full monthly payments over the year. This extra payment helps reduce the principal balance faster.

3. Round Up Your Payments

Rounding up your mortgage payments to the nearest hundred pounds can make a significant difference over time. For instance, if your monthly payment is £865, consider rounding it up to £900. The additional amount goes directly towards reducing your principal balance, shortening your mortgage term and reducing the interest paid.

4. Utilise Lump Sum Payments

If you receive a bonus, inheritance, or any other windfall, consider putting it towards your mortgage. Lump sum payments can significantly reduce the principal balance. Just ensure your mortgage agreement allows for lump sum payments without incurring penalties. If penalties apply, calculate whether the savings in interest outweigh the penalty fees.

5. Review and Refinance Your Mortgage

Regularly reviewing your mortgage and refinancing to a better deal can help reduce your interest rate and shorten your mortgage term. When interest rates drop, refinancing can lower your monthly payments, allowing you to overpay without increasing your financial burden. Alternatively, you can refinance to a shorter term with higher payments but lower overall interest costs.

6. Increase Your Regular Payments

Whenever you get a salary increase, consider allocating a portion of it towards your mortgage payments. Increasing your regular payments, even by a small amount, can significantly reduce your mortgage term. For instance, if you receive a £200 monthly raise, putting an extra £100 towards your mortgage can help you pay it off years earlier.

7. Offset Mortgages

An offset mortgage links your savings account to your mortgage. The money in your savings account offsets the amount of mortgage interest you pay. For example, if you have a £200,000 mortgage and £20,000 in savings, you only pay interest on £180,000. This can significantly reduce the interest paid and help you pay off your mortgage faster.

8. Pay Fees Upfront

When setting up your mortgage, paying any fees upfront rather than adding them to your mortgage balance can save you money on interest. This reduces the overall amount you owe and can shorten the mortgage term.

9. Downsize Your Property

If feasible, selling your current home and buying a less expensive one can allow you to pay off a significant portion of your mortgage or eliminate it entirely. Downsizing can reduce your mortgage balance and lower your monthly payments, enabling you to pay off the new mortgage more quickly.

10. Cut Unnecessary Expenses

Review your monthly budget and cut unnecessary expenses. The savings can be directed towards your mortgage payments. This could involve reducing discretionary spending, such as dining out, subscriptions, or luxury items. Redirecting these funds to your mortgage can accelerate your journey to becoming mortgage-free.

11. Automate Overpayments

Set up a standing order for regular overpayments. Automating this process ensures you consistently make overpayments without having to remember each month. It also helps you avoid the temptation to spend the extra money elsewhere.


Paying off your mortgage early in the UK is a realistic goal with the right strategies and financial discipline. Whether it’s through regular overpayments, lump sum payments, refinancing, or cutting unnecessary expenses, every extra pound directed towards your mortgage can make a significant difference. By implementing these strategies, you can save on interest, reduce your financial stress, and achieve the freedom of owning your home outright sooner than you might have thought possible. Start planning today to enjoy the benefits of a mortgage-free life in the near future.